Thursday, June 28, 2012

Exercises for nerve compression syndromes of the upper extremity

In the last few weeks we have produced three videos that provide you with exercises for three different types of upper-body nerve compression syndromes.  Each video is directed towards a specific nerve entrapment syndrome: Median Nerve Entrapment, Radial Nerve Entrapment,  or Ulnar Nerve Entrapment. We recommend that you use these nerve-flossing and tensioning exercise videos in conjunction with the exercise routines in our book “Release Your Kinetic Chain from the Shoulder to Hand”. This combination of exercises and techniques will provide with the most effective and rapid means to recover with these nerve entrapment syndromes.

Nerve Distribution Chart
Us this chart to help identify which nerve compression syndrome is predominant in your hand(s).

This diagram is derived directly from our internationally best-selling book - Release Your Pain: 2nd Edition.  Use this diagram to help aid in identifying which nerve is affected in your upper body and arm.

Exercise Videos for Releasing Nerve Entrapments

Select and use the appropriate exercise video for your nerve entrapment syndrome.

Median Nerve

If you have a Median nerve entrapment (Carpal Tunnel or other nerve entrapment syndromes), then use the exercises in this video to floss, mobilize, and release the Median nerve from its surrounding tissues.

Radial Nerve

If you have a Radial nerve entrapment syndrome, then use the exercises in this video to floss, mobilize, and release the Radial nerve from its surrounding tissues.

Ulnar Nerve

If you have Ulnar nerve entrapment syndrome, then use the exercises in this video to floss, mobilize, and release the Ulnar nerve from its surrounding tissues.


Exercises for the Shoulder to Hand

This book is especially useful for people recovering from injuries to the shoulder, arms, elbow, wrist, and hands.   Use the exercises in this book to rehabilitate, strengthen, and restore the function of muscles from your Shoulders to Hands. This is the second volume in the Release Your Kinetic Chain series of books. 

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