Monday, January 23, 2012

Treating Iliotibial Band Syndrome

The first thing practitioners must do in treating Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS) is to take a complete history and perform a biomechanical analysis. The biomechanical analysis evaluates the patients gait and movement patterns for alteration in any normal movement. This will give the practitioner an initial hypothesis as to which structures are involved.

Then the practitioner will need to examine these areas (hands-on palpation) to confirm that there is a restriction or alteration of the tissue. The practitioner will feel an alteration in normal tissue consistency, it could feel ropy, rigid, thickened and there will often be a lack of tissue glide between adjacent structures. Once the area to be treated has been identified, manual therapy can begin. There are several forms of therapy that can achieve good results in addressing myofascial adhesions (Active Release,Graston Technique, Massage Therapy, and Fascial Manipulation).

Fascia and ITB Syndrome
When we evaluate a case of ITBS, we must also take into consideration all the fascial connections to the structures that are involved in performing and coordinating ankle, knee, and hip motion.
In the case of ITBS, some of the fascial connections we should consider are in the Lateral Line(see Anatomy Trains by Thomas Meyers).

The following is a short synopsis of the lateral line. I have also included a link to the Anatomy Trains dissection video about the Lateral Line – Thomas Meyers Lateral line Video.
Lateral Line

· Beginning at the foot with the peroneal muscles, fascial interconnections travel up the outer leg to just below the knee (fibular head). This fascia then connects directly into the lower IT band into the deltoid complex (gluteus maximus,gluteus medius, and tensor fascia latae).
· The fascia then connects to the pelvis (iliac crest), which connects into the abdominal muscles (internal and external obliques), and then into the quadratus lumborum which connects into the ribs and the spine.
· The fascia then travels up between the ribs (intercostals muscles) and continues up the body to connect into the fascia of the neck (SCM, splenicus cervicis, andscalenes).

Once you see these videos, you will find it very hard to dispute the importance of these fascial connections.

Bottom Line: You can try treating ITBS with all the right techniques (ART, Graston, Massage etc.) and find that you still have not resolved a chronic ITBS problem if you do not consider, and treat, the fascial interconnections.

The key is to any therapy is to address any structure affecting movement patterns in the kinetic chain.

What ever the form of treatment it must be specific and based upon the individual requirements of each person. Treatment should not be a cookbook approach. Practitioners need to find the specific tissues that are restricted or thickened and physically work them back to their normal consistency.

Exercise is Essential
Often getting professional help in the way of manual therapy is essential to get a complete resolution of ITBS, but just as important is exercise. Without the right exercise program the probability of this condition returning is very high.

There are three important areas which must be addressed when prescribing exercise routines for ITBS, strength, flexibility, and balance.

Why strengthening exercises are essential:
Every time you injure yourself, your body lays down new tissue to repair itself. The new tissue is initially very fragile, thin, and easily torn or re-injured. Strength or weight training places stress upon these new tissues, causing them to go through a process of remodeling. In this process, the new tissue literally converts from one type of collagen to a different type which is up to 10 times thicker and 10 times stronger. However, this collagen conversion only occurs when you apply continued stress upon the tissue as you do in weight- and strength–training exercises.
Exercise example: Because the iliotibial band is formed from the deltoid complex, having strong balanced hips is essential for a full resolution of ITBS. One of my favorite exercises to increase hip strength is the Bulgarian Split Squat.

Why Flexibility exercises are essential:
During the regenerative or repair phase of an injury, your body creates and lays down collagen to repair the injured area. When the injured person performs the correct stretching exercises, the majority of new tissue will be laid down in the same direction as the tissue that is being repaired - thereby allowing this tissue to properly perform its function.
Exercise example: We suggest that patients combine stretching with self myofascial release (foam rollers). The following is an example of an ITB stretch, and a foam roller video you will find very useful.

Why balance exercises are essential:
Proprioceptive or balance training is a fundamental requirement that should not be ignored in Rehabilitation Therapy. Your ability to balance depends on feedback from your auditory, visual, proprioceptive (sense of body position), and vestibular systems (relating to the sense of equilibrium). All of these systems must be trained to achieve optimal results. As with all injuries your nervous system is often affected. Training these systems, ensures a greater chance of a complete recovery.

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